Previously called
"Peace of Mind Kindy"

Emily Pettett
Center Manager & Service Nominated Supervisor
​Advanced Diploma of Children's Services.
I have had the pleasure of working in the Early Childhood Education sector for over 15 years and I couldn’t imagine a more purposeful and fulfilling career path.
After attending the Reggio Emilia study tour in Italy, I found a more specific style of education that I now advocate very strongly for - all tightly based around the United Nations Convention of The Rights Of A Child, the image of the child and the 100 languages of children.
There are many skills and attributes that Early Childhood Education professionals must uphold. To me, I feel that transparency is vital it creates trust and strong connections between children, families, educators and the community.
“Your image of the child is where teaching begins.” Loris Malaguzzi

Hayley Ash
2 IC & Educator Pre Kindy & Kindy
Diploma Children's Services
Hi, my name is Hayley and I am the outdoor educator here at Kindulili.
I have been working here for 6 years and I have just the same amount of energy and love to give as when I first started.
I love coming here every day as it is also some new to learn and discovery each day.
You will always find me outside either pottering and growing in the gardens, exploring the shed or getting busy down in the loose parts area. I believe that all children learn differently and I love trying new things to cater for all learning styles, but most of all I love having the ability to get down and messy in the natural environment that we provide!
As an educator, I hope to be able to pass down my love and passion for the outdoors and the ability to stop and find the magic in every little thing, especially the nature provided around us through the art of play based learning and exploring.

Lee McDermott
Early Childhood Teacher
Bachelor of Early Years
My name is Miss Lee and l have a Bachelor of Early Childhood. I am married and have 3 grown up children and a beautiful granddaughter. I have been in the industry for 35 years working in a variety of age groups but my passion is the kindergarten children. I am excited to work at this beautiful service with an exciting program such as the bush kindy and enjoy the adventures we have together. I love outdoors exploring nature, gardening and messy play. Books are another big passion of mine and discovering adventures and hidden meanings. Can't wait to meet you all and see where our adventures go in 2024.

Sylvia Earl
Early Childhood Teacher
Bachelor of Early Years.
Hello, My name is Sylvia and I am really excited to be joining your children and the incredible educators at Kindulili.
Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Aunt, Educator, I wear all these hats with pride and affection.
I’m originally from NZ and have had many years experience in the early childhood sector, both in management and teaching in long daycare. Until recently I ran my own family daycare which was registered with Peace of Mind FDC.
I have been given an exciting opportunity to join the Kindulili community and whole heartedly embrace the holistic approach to learning and teaching. I look forward to meeting you all very soon!

Rachel Jensen
Educator Pre Kindy/Kindy ​
Diploma Early Childhood Education
I am an Mum of 3 beautiful children, proud New Zealander who lives to share my essence of love, respect and integrity.
In my 20 years of educating children I have valued every child’s capabilities and I enhance their growth through play and interest based learning.
With the children I love to build and get crafty with natural resources. In my spare time, I like hiking and spending time with family and friends.

Cassanda Dawson
Educator Jr Kindy
Diploma Children's Services
My name is Cassie! I love Kindulili and was attracted by the open spaces, homely feel and the pride of children’s individualism.
I started late in the year of 2021, grateful to be closer to my son, Max, as he continues his schooling. Being a mother has taught me in more ways then I could’ve imagined. I have more patience then I could ever imagine, more love to give and more excitement for each day.
I have been in childcare for almost 12 years, starting in high school and multitasking with other industries, study and providing respite care. Throughout this time, I have worked with ages from Nursery to Kindy, following groups and staying with children for multiple years. I pride myself on strong relationships with the children and their families, and always willing to open my heart to another little friend.
I look forward to meeting you and your family.

Essie Cox
Educator Pre Kindy and Kindy ​
Cert lll Early Childhood Education
Hi, my name is Essie. I first fell in love with Early Childhood Education at school where I completed my certificate 3 and joined the Kindulili team in 2021 for my placement. I have now graduated and am loving every day at Kindulili. I love the outdoors as well as getting messy. Our Kindulili team is welcoming and fun. I enjoy helping our little people grow and explore new things. Having a good relationship with children, families and staff is something I feel strongly about as I believe it brings out the best in everyone.
I look forward to meeting you all.

Rachel Adelholm
Educator Jr Kindy ​
Advanced Diploma Early Childhood Education
Hello! I’m Rachel! I have now been working in childcare for over 11 years and love being a part of your children’s lives and watching them grow and develop every day.
I have an Advanced Diploma in Community Sector Management and look forward to bringing a lot of experience to the service.
In my philosophy I believe that children learn through everyday experiences and shouldn’t be pushed to learn. Every child is different and will learn at their own pace. Children also need to feel safe and secure in order to form a bond with educators to enable them to be settled whilst here at Kindulili. I am a big believer in a calm but responsive approach to teaching I believe that the calmer I am, and the happier I am, the better the room will run and the happier the children will be. I am a big believer in using the environment as a 3rd teacher.
I look forward to getting to know each one of you and forming a relationship with you and your children. I have years of experience, ideas and knowledge to share with you and my fellow staff.